On this page you can sample some of my writing for a range of audiences.
Intellectual property statement
All original content on this website, including photographs, text (including descriptions, blogs, articles, stories), soundtracks and video are copyright Razia Aziz – or are credited to the original copyright holder. You are free to copy, enjoy and share this material for personal purposes not involving any financial exchange, profit or gain, as long as you credit the holder of the copyright in all your communications with others. If you wish to use any of the original material on this website for sale, profit or financial gain, you must contact me to discuss the intended use, or to be put in touch with the holder of the original copyright. In the case of my own material, we may arrange a reasonable exchange for such use. All the work of Waytu proceeds on the principle of sharing as much as possible freely and with a high degree of mutual trust and respect. Please help keep it that way.