Pieces of the Moon

The moon is broken
pieces of silver swim before me in the salt-lake of the sun’s tears,
dancing or drowning
soundlessly rocking in the watery spaces
of tangled memories
soothing & searing the severed skins
that ache once more to touch
that taken-for-granted
round luminous wholeness
which once held up the night sky
We watched your last breath
fall through our helpless hands
The angels stood silent
the birds were songless
God seemed asleep in the
green fields of heaven
Only the buzz of the hospital ward
offered a parting serenade
while somewhere beneath the earth
a distant drum beat out of time
No matter.
Everything that has gone before
was only for this
Let the moon shatter
Let the sun weep
Let the drum play on
Let your trusty, weathered body
return to dust
We will hold up the sky for you
We will bear you over snowy hills
through the raging fires and vales of shadow
and fashion a boat of flowers
to take you across the water
to the far shore.
Your way from here will be lit by stars
your sail be filled with the song of our hearts
while motherless we stand at the brink of the world
to greet the light of this strange new dawn.
Razia Aziz 2021