Alongside You
1-2-1 Guidance
You want to touch your deeper purpose: it is my commitment to help you. You may be moved by the current state of the world, society, your own family, your workplace. You may be longing to express your creativity; or grappling with an emotional, spiritual or philosophical challenge.
Working 1-2-1, I can be alongside you a for a little - or a long - way upon your path. My aim is to place at your service good loving attention and all the experience, skill and knowledge of mind, body, heart and spirit, I have gathered along the way.
Our conversation can help you understand better is calling you from beneath the surface turbulence of life and bring you closer to your inner authenticity and the inner peace that comes with this.
I intend to be there for you for as long as we both agree, while you navigate both inner and outer journeys. Call it holistic coaching, call it spiritual counselling, call it mentoring or personal empowerment: it may be any of these, or none.
What we actually do together could take many forms – talking, walking, drawing, making, sitting in silence, movement, voice, bodywork... It will be authentic because it emerges from your genuine aspirations and needs, what you face on your journey, what you struggle with and what you long for.
Whether it’s your relationship to your self, others, creativity, activism, work, life changes or spiritual challenges that have led you to seek support, you can build your inner resources, increase your confidence to rely upon them and so find the inner authority to forge your own way.
Ways in which I support people include:
Enjoy your natural voice: vocal coaching for beginners and singers who want to enjoy singing and inhabit a natural, attuned presence - a way of approaching the voice which helps you tune your instrument (mental/emotional and physical) to its natural resonance and can unleash the hidden joy just waiting to sing its way into the world
Inhabit a happier body: touch and movement for ease, lightness, joy inhabiting your body using the principles and practice of Trager®
Holistic coaching: whatever your life challenges, have someone walk alongside you, attending to the whole of you with an honest and loving mirror
Spiritual counselling: seeking answers to the bigger – or quieter - questions of life? Here to help you find your own authentic path (NB if you want BACP accredited support, please seek a suitably qualified counsellor or therapist)
Spiritual direction: are you already on a spiritual path and wanting to be challenged to commit to it, question it, strengthen it or stretch beyond your comfort zone? Learn to walk your talk… with love